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Golden Wheelchair Award

Recognition at CMT 2025: The Golden Wheelchair Award

CareunderSun’s commitment to inclusive travel was further recognized at CMT 2025, Europe’s largest consumer tourism trade fair, where it received the Golden Wheelchair Award. This prestigious award, first established in 1993, honors outstanding efforts in barrier-free travel services.

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Dreams Accessible

Nuestra empresa se esfuerza por garantizar que las experiencias de viaje reservadas con nosotros se ajusten a las necesidades de la mayor cantidad de viajeros posible. Después de recopilar información y detalles confiables y verificados, hemos creado un producto turístico fácil y rápido de reservar con una gran variedad de destinos alrededor de Grecia. Y estamos encantados de atender a clientes directos, así como a socios agentes de viajes, centros de cuidado de ancianos o centros de diálisis que buscan vacaciones para viajeros con necesidades especiales.

Experiencia e implicación


CareunderSun is the result of more than 25 years of experience in tourism. We understand that our most valuable offer is a product or service that every person can enjoy and is made for everyone. We make sure that we create accessible experiences, and this requires awareness and understanding of different needs and knowing our travelers’ preferences.

One of our essential core values is to share our experience and know-how in accessible tourism with our business partners. We believe that every person has the right to live and travel with dignity, equality, comfort, and independence and we guarantee our clients this by creating awareness, overcoming the challenges, and removing the main barriers among the relevant tourism stakeholders.

Along with our years of experience, we have worked and keep investing a significant number of resources to make sure that all our services are  more accessible for people with different abilities. Our main goal is to take care of slow walkers, disabled travelers, and those with health issues. We do this by creating seamless experiences, so they can explore easily the magical Greece taking back home unforgettable memories, making friends and learning new things.

#seamlesstravel #awareness #differentneeds #travelforall

La accesibilidad es una parte esencial de la sostenibilidad


Tal como lo declara la OMT, los principios de sostenibilidad se refieren a los aspectos ambientales, económicos y socioculturales del desarrollo turístico, y solo debe y puede establecerse un equilibrio adecuado, si se ancla entre estas tres dimensiones para garantizar su sostenibilidad a largo plazo.  

Al contrario de lo que mucha gente cree, el turismo accesible no se trata solo de proporcionar instalaciones para usuarios de sillas de ruedas. Como se observa estadísticamente, sólo el 8% de las personas con discapacidad están en silla de ruedas. La gama de grupos con diferentes necesidades es desde viajeros de la tercera edad hasta viajeros con alergias, entre otras condiciones médicas. Recuerde que las discapacidades pueden ser visibles, pero una gran parte de ellas es invisible.

Más allá del imperativo económico, existen razones importantes para que la industria del turismo tome en serio este sector ya que, al mismo tiempo, sirve a las comunidades y sociedades locales. Es bueno para todos. 

Los diferentes tipos de viajeros que tienen diferentes grados de restricciones de accesibilidad y requisitos de movilidad deben ser considerados, comprendidos y atendidos. 

Nosotros, como agencia especializada en turismo receptivo en Grecia, seguimos los principios y necesidades del turismo accesible. Aportamos soluciones de forma activa y cotidiana, contribuyendo a la inclusión y sostenibilidad del destino.  


#sostenibilidad #inclusión #accesibilidad

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Accessibility Ambassador for CareunderSun

Kamil is 35 years old born Athenian citizen. He is involved in policy and movement support officer at European Network on Independent Living.

He is passionate traveler and travel blogger. 

He is taking us to different destinations around Greece and showing us the accessibility from a perspective of a power wheelchair user.

Rating the accessibility provides a valuable input for CareunderSun travelers and allows them to make informed travel decisions. 

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Platinium Tourism Award 

The last 15th of April 2024 the prestigious Greek tourism awards took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Athens. The event emphasized mainly Greekness and Sustainability and the ceremony honored pioneers and innovators in the tourism sector. The event highlighted the importance of these values in her speech, encouraging continued dedication to promoting Greek tourism ethically and with vision that shows a promising future for Greek tourism, characterized by excellence and commitment to leaving a positive legacy for future generations. CareunderSun stood out and won the Platinum Travel Award for the category of Sustainability, leading the accessible tourism market in Greece and making  future accessible travel in Greece possible.

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